Last updated on April 8th, 2024 at 01:35 pm
Join us any time 4:30 PM through Dusk
Google “how to be a successful networker,” and you’ll find titles like “6 strategies” or “9 tips” articles. Building genuine long-term relationships and connections is a theme in most networking articles.
Over the past few years, I immersed myself in networking. I handed out my business cards, made connections, and engaged in conversations. Has it been effective? Absolutely! The individuals I’ve encountered have been a true inspiration for aspiring business owners. Can I recall the name and profession of each person I’ve met? Regrettably, the answer is no. Over the last few years, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting numerous individuals in the business realm. However, I still strive to develop genuine relationships through meaningful interactions. Social Sipper Brands created an environment at networking events that fostered authenticity, allowing like-minded business leaders to connect with other businesses easily.
Meaningful Connections
It only takes a few months of networking to start seeing some familiar faces, so how does a relationship move from an introduction into a relationship? Time. Well, sure, and we’ve all got plenty of that. Instead, take your interests and stir in professional networking. This way, we move from superficial relationships into established ones.
The Narrows
Networking doesn’t require a donut, raising a glass, or sharing in festivities. We are busy professionals. The blurred line between professional and personal lives continues to dissolve.
Build on relationships by surrounding yourself with a meaningful networking moment with purposeful playing. We’ll have cornhole, frisbees, paddle boards, and more.
Bernd Haase, TAB Business Coach, says in so many words that strategically growing business takes time, trust, and meaningful moments. But how do we fit this into our professional and personal lives?
Imagine being at the Narrows at dusk. Your toes feel the cool sand after a day of work shoes. Let’s be our authentic selves. We aren’t all going to connect with everyone, but we will make meaningful connections.
Make no mistake. We are here to network. We are lifelong learners.
All while playing cornhole or paddling around. Networking is an active sport. It is work. Yes, but so is heading to the gym. Let’s make this networking event an enhancement to your individual networking events.
To learn more about a #smallbutmighty advertising agency focused on storytelling your brand and connecting your services to clients’ needs.
Save the date(s). We’d love to see you out here all summer!
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